Hide Zero Value On Zero Cost Shipping Methods WooCommerce

Hide Zero Value On Zero Cost Shipping Methods WooCommerce

In WooCommerce if you use Local Pickup or other methods of shipping that don’t have a preset or calculated cost, the shipping labels on both the cart and checkout to appear with $0.00 price, like this: Local pickup: $0.00 This was an intentional change by WooCommerce. You can read the conversation and reasoning behind it…

WordPress Development, Design and Customization Company

WordPress Development, Design and Customization Company

Boost your business with WordPress, one of the most popular Content Management Systems in use on the web today. We offer WordPress development and design , hosting and installation, speed optimisation, custom plugin development and support. We can also help you migrate from other CMS systems such as Joomla and Drupal over to WordPress. We…

WordPress shortcode/cart count/ current page URL/check user login

Below function has WordPress shortcode/cart count/ current page URL/checking user is logged-in or logged-out cartlogin function will return the cart and different message for logged-in and logged-out user. function cartlogin_func( $atts ) { global $current_user; get_currentuserinfo(); $div .= ‘<a href=”/cart/” target=”_self” rel=”noopener noreferrer” aria-label=”link to /wishlist/”><i class=”fas fa-cart-plus” aria-hidden=”true”><b>’.WC()-&gt;cart-&gt;get_cart_contents_count() .'</b></i></a>’; if ($current_user-&gt;ID == ”) {…